Where We Began ...
A well-rounded understanding of the Homeward Bound user base was compiled, in order to understand how user motivations could then prioritize the tasks in the mobile application.
The user base that will use this application includes:
Past pet adopters
Potential first-time adopters
Children wanting their parents to adopt a pet
Those who are undecided and teetering between different methods of obtaining a pet (breeder, pet store or adoption).
Discover more about the user base of the Homeward Bound application in the full project brief.
The primary competition for Homeward Bound, is a website and mobile app called: Petfinder. This application, while similar in respect to the primary goal of adopting animals, primarily differs when it comes to matching a potential pet owner to a potential adoptee.
Homeward Bound takes the algorithmic approach of matching humans to available animals based on data, in addition to user preferences, with the goal of statistically enhancing the likelihood that the pet will not only be adopted, but also reducing the pet-return rate.
A user flow was used instead of a sitemap to show the user’s progression through the mobile application, based on their chosen interactions. Included in this flow are the primary sections of the site, whereafter the user can deviate and jump, based on his or her preferred interactive path. The detail is also meant to help the designers and developers plan for the envisioned, initial development of the application.
An interactive content wireframe was created for the Homeward Bound application, using the content organization from the previous screenflows. The purpose of the wireframes is to provide the content hierarchy and content architecture for each individual screen. Annotations are included in the initial wireframes to provide insight into the development process and functionality.