The Best-Laid Plans

Chance always favors the prepared mind, however, even the best plans can unwind.

This week’s class was about executing usability testing sessions that we have been building up to and preparing for. Preparation included generating task questions, building paper prototype designs, scheduling participants and so forth.

Since this specific usability testing is for a reminder application, it is only appropriate that our testing be executed on time and as planned. However, even the best well-laid plans can unravel.

“The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry …”

— Robert Burns

Due to a death in the family, one of my participants became unavailable this week, taking my sessions down to three. This unforeseeable occurrence, is a variable that can take place. In order to complete the assignment as instructed, I went ahead and recruited another participant to fill the empty slot.

I think it is important to note, that when conducting usability testing, while this is a thorough well-planned and detailed process, the unexpected can occur with both technology and participants. As facilitators we need to plan for the unexpected. We need to be open and aware that these variables exist, as to not be surprised. We then need to respond quickly, in order to remain on task and fill the void when necessary.

In my professional life, we have experienced no-shows due to numerous reasons, in addition to lack of participation in our usability testing at times, where participants are needed in a tight timeframe and last-minute recruitment takes place.

While we adapt and iterate our designs, we also need to adapt and overcome the unforeseen challenges that the testing environment, itself, may present, and press on.