Usability Testing

How to avoid making your UX testing purple …

When a lawyer is in court, presenting his case, he or she is told to not ask leading questions, as to not elicit testimony the witness would not otherwise volunteer. The same is true for usability testing, whereas you do not want to lead your participant into the answer.

I think, therefore I am … at least I think so?

Humans have limits. We struggle to remember simple daily tasks. So what do we do? We generate to-do list upon to-do list. I know personally, I am keeping Post-It Notes in business. Additionally, with dependencies on electronic devices, we forgo the need to remember how to calculate a tip at 15 percent, or what our closest friend’s phone number is.

So, if we have trouble remembering where we parked, or what we wore yesterday, or better yet — what we have to do this week, how can we be expected to self-report accurately when questioned?