Where We Began ...



Over a one-week interview period, four participants were interviewed and asked specific questions, designed to elicit their wants and needs in relation to reminders. Using this qualitative approach, the intent of the interviews was to draw out, through discussion, what their likes, challenges and goals were for creating reminders, based on their current behaviors.  This type of research is meant to uncover attitudes, motivations and unconscious behaviors. 

Calendar integration was a need expressed by those interviewed. Participants were using multiple methods to track reminders to calendar their items - the need for a unified approach was conveyed. 

Additionally, color coding, organization and check-off lists were all recurring themes that were incorporated into this redesign. 

Challenges by interview participants included forgetfulness, misplacing reminders, determining priority, out of sync methods and difficulty to gauge progress. This redesign addresses those key areas with trigger emails, segmentation based on status and/or category, with the addition of coloring items red when they are past due.


We focused on intuitive discoverability of signifiers in this redesign, to allow for a seamless transition between the previous edition and the new updated redesign. The mapping of the redesign was also a key focus to allow for a successful user experience. The user receives feedback during the verification process and continually via the email triggers. The User Experience for the ReminderX product is enhanced, innovative, intuitive, empowering, collaborative and dependable. 


Formative testing was conducted to examine the effectiveness of the preliminary design concepts. This testing purpose was to validate the design of the ReminderX application and to provide insight into the approach and focus of future design iterations. 

Testing provided feedback on terminology, organization, functionality and navigability. Additionally, this testing uncovered the users’ understanding of the product purpose and determined its value.

- Usability testing was conducted for the new ReminderX application with four participants (two female and two male), who currently utilize a reminder application and have the goal to be organized. 

- All participants are employed, lead busy lives and range in ages (and skill levels) from 19 to 43. 

- A paper prototype was used in both the in-person and remote testing sessions. All sessions were recorded. 


Based on user responses during the test, scoring was averaged using a scaled methodology and then measured in order to create a quantitative summary.  Based on user responses, open-ended fields were analyzed for trends to see if they conveyed the design was meeting its objective - or if it was needing a change.


Based on this information, this redesign prototype uses the persona of “Ben” - who is using the newly enhanced ReminderX application to integrate his reminders on his iCal from his iPhone. This workflow is meant to satisfy Ben’s need to be organized and collaborative if need be, with a simple workflow solution.

Usability Testing Goals

VALIDATE the navigational structure for creating a calendar integration reminder.

VALIDATE the prioritization of information presented on the detailed pages. 

DETERMINE the overall validation preference when comparing multiple options.

ESTABLISH whether participants noticed a missing component to the design,
enjoyed their experience and/or encountered frustrations with the design.