Important Items to Keep in Mind



  • Data accuracy equates to credibility. Learn to identify reporting error and how to avoid it. Self-perception differs from actual behavior.

  • Design with research in mind. Have a good understanding of major tasks, mental models, opportunities and the like.

  • Know the mission. Be sure to gain a clear understanding of the client's mission.

  • Accept feedback. Insight from outside sources can help push us beyond our personal boundaries and create the best experience for our users.

  • Do not lead the user. While we want the answer to be correct, we want the user to find the answer on their own.

  • Plan for the unexpected. Recruit extra participants; you never know what may come up, prohibiting them from participating. Prepare for technology glitches and the like with your equipment and supplies.

  • Always provide a clear justification for your case. Show value in your results and how it would relate to the client.

  • Save time and money. Proper research can also potentially prevent spending unnecessary dollars, dealing with unsatisfied users, extended timelines, and so forth — that is, if the issues are caught in time during the UX process.

  • Iteration is the word. The creative process is never complete.