Determining the Need for Change ...


ReminderX, is a start-up software company who has built and launched a simple to-do list and reminder application for iPhone and Android phone users. The co-founders of ReminderX, Vera and Jorge expressed the need to “transform the application’s current functionality into more than a generic to-do list and reminder application.” They additionally gave permission for the team to determine the focus of upcoming releases.

the Initial Questions

Who are the current users? 

Who are the target users?

What do users focus on?

What problems would the users like to be solved?

How can we solve these problems through a project redesign?

project goals

In order to address the current problem, ReminderX was looking for direction for future design iterations and enhancements. Through user research, we were determined to discover in-depth information about the application’s users - and apply that knowledge into a research-driven redesign.



BEFORE THE CHANGE: Basic original iPhone calendar view, with no ReminderX integration available.

BEFORE THE CHANGE: Basic original iPhone calendar view, with no ReminderX integration available.

AFTER THE CHANGE: ReminderX Calendar Integration with color coding for active (green), past due (red) and completed reminders (yellow).

AFTER THE CHANGE: ReminderX Calendar Integration with color coding for active (green), past due (red) and completed reminders (yellow).